Cisco Devices for Microsoft Teams Rooms

Take advantage of the combined expertise of the two tech giants Microsoft and Cisco and benefit from the advantages of both worlds.

Cisco Produkte mit Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) Benutzeroberfläche in moderner Arbeitsumgebung

Video conferencing, instant messaging and screen sharing are now part of our everyday working lives. Most organisations use more than one meeting platform. By using the latest Cisco video terminals, you will directly benefit from the maximum flexibility and quality in your video conferences.

As a strategic partner of Microsoft, Cisco offers more convenience than ever with the native registration of selected products to Microsoft. As a customer, you benefit from an wide range of functions from the Cisco and Microsoft worlds.

The user interface in MTR mode

If you decide for the native Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) certification, the familiar Microsoft Teams interface with all the familiar functions is available to you on the Cisco Device. At the same time, you benefit from the power and features of Cisco hardware, such as noise reduction, camera intelligence and noise cancelling.

Cisco Webex Board Pro im Microsoft Teams Rooms-Modus | Die Features aus beiden Welten im Ăśberblick
Ansehen auf Ein avodaq Kollege erläutert am Cisco Webex Board Pro die Features im MTR-Modus
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Enjoy an accessible, optimal video conferencing experience in Microsoft Teams Rooms. In the video, we show you the user interface in MTR mode using a Cisco Webex Board 75 and introduce you to the extensive features. (Video only available in German.)

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One Button to Join (OBTJ) in MTR-Mode

With the MTR certified devices, the inconvenient switching between various meeting platforms is a thing of the past. Participating in Microsoft, Webex and Zoom meetings is easy: a single click takes you directly to the meeting.

An unique feature is the native participation in meetings: The Microsoft Teams certified devices are able to participate natively in Microsoft Teams Meetings as well as in Webex Meetings. You benefit from the entire range of functions of the respective meeting platform, in combination with the best camera and audio quality.

Cisco Webex Board Pro & Microsoft Teams | Was kann der neue MTR- Modus?
Ansehen auf Ein avodaq Kollege erläutert am Cisco Board Pro den neuen MS Teams-Modus
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Full range of functions in MS Teams Meeting

Get your own impression! In our video, we show you how to join a Microsoft Teams meeting natively and present the range of functions. (Video only available in German.)

Cisco Webex Board Pro & Webex Meetings | Was kann der neue MTR- Modus?
Ansehen auf Ein avodaq Kollege erläutert die Funktionen im Webex Meetings mit dem Cisco Board Pro im MTR-Modus
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Full range of functions in the Webex Meeting

When you participate in a Webex Call, you also benefit from a native experience in MTR mode. See for yourself in our demo video. (Video only available in german)

Participating in Zoom Meetings is also very easy. Do you have other meeting platforms in use? The Cisco video terminals offer the option of selecting your meeting platform individually via USB passthrough. And all this with just a single cable.

Cisco Devices und Microsoft Teams Rooms | Level up your Hybrid Work
Ansehen auf Cisco Devices und MS Teams - die perfekte Basis fĂĽr erfolgreiches Zusammenarbeiten
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The perfect base for successful virtual collaboration

Start now with an exclusive, barrier-free meeting experience of unique quality. As your digital business partner, we support you in planning, implementation and operation. (Video only available in German.)

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